The beginning of the 21st century and the contradictory process of globalization have reshaped the relationship between visual culture, art and social life. Visualization turns out to be more and more the dominant cultural code of the late industrial society. Nowadays one witnesses a new visual wave: in the global world the culture of the public image and the “society of the spectacle” (Guy Debord) are gradually transformed by the new complex structures of the “display”, “interface”, “billboard”, scanned-and-sent images. Along with the home video, the video clip and the post-MTV culture, along with the expansion of design, lifestyle and fusion cultures, these new visual-informational hybrids have started saturating everyday life.

Interface Sofia
“Interface Sofia” is the final publication of the Visual Seminar project of the ICA–Sofia and the Centre for Advanced Studies.

Resident Fellows Program 4
The City as a Museum, Sofia 2005
The issue covers the following projects: Ivan Moudov "The City through the Window of the Museum" and Svetla Kazalarska "Route 76", and includes texts by Iara Boubnova, Diana Popova, Nora Gloeshevska and Orlin Spassov

Resident Fellows Program 3
The Cliché – Memories, Images, Expectations, Sofia 2006
The issue covers the following projects: Georgi Gospodinov, Yana Genova "An Inventory Book of Socialism" and Boris Missirkov, Georgi Bogdanov "On the Tracks of the Bright Future", and includes texts by Kiril Prashkov and Petia Kabakchieva

Javor Gardev
Visual Police - tv simulacrum
Videoinstalation, 7 simulations after the TV shows Panorama, Around the World and in the Country, Look Who..., The Day Starts of the Bulgarian National Television and Koritarov Live of Nova TV and Radio New Europe.

Red Riviera Revisited
Visual Seminar / Guest Programme
April 28 - May 21, 2005
Luchezar Boyadjiev, Iara Boubnova

The city through the window of the museum?
Visual activities: examples and precedents
October 2004 - April 2005

Diana Popova
Resident Fellows Program 2
An Eye for the Pale City, Sofia 2004
The issue covers the following projects: Krassimir Terziev "Excuse me, which city is this?" and X-tendo Group "Therefrom Hereto", and includes texts by Diana Popova, Luchezar Boyadjiev and Alexander Kiossev

Diana Popova
VS Newspaper 4
Communal and Private (and/or Public and Personal)
August - December 2004

Communal and private (and/or public and personal)
Public discussion 29 of October 2004, Goethe-Institute Sofia
Moderator Luchezar Boyadjiev

Resident Fellows Program 1

The first guests under the Guest Module Program of the Visual Seminar is the Austrian-based Art Group“Gelatin”. Lecture and performance in Ata Center/ICA-Sofia - 25th. of Yune, 6 pm.

Images of the City, Images of the Capital
Public discussion 20th of May 2004, Sofia Art Gallery
Moderator Boyan Manchev
The City, cultural heritage and nostalgia. Images of Labor, Images of Consumption
October 2003 - April 2004

Do You See Sofia? II
Public discussion 14th of October 2003, Goethe-Institute, Sofia
Moderator Alexander Kiossev.

Excuse me, which city is this?
Project for the Resident fellows programme II, Visual seminar, October 2003-March 2004

Do You See Sofia?
Public Discussion 3rd of July 2003, Sofia Art Gallery
Moderated by Alexander Kiossev.
Visual representations of the Balkans
Visual representations of the Balkans and the Balkanness in the contemporary Bulgarian Public Space

Mila Mineva
The Balkans as a Tourist Sight
A Project for the The Resident Fellows Program, Visual Seminar 2003
Visual Seminar
Project by Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia
Partner: Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia
The Visual Seminar Project deals with contemporary visual culture in the transitional society (initially based on the example of Bulgaria) in its relationship with the rest of the world/reality.
The main idea is to establish a regular series of events, and thus generate continuous debate, in which several main elements would be interwoven.