Javor Gardev
Visual Police - tv simulacrum
Videoinstalation, 7 simulations after the TV shows Panorama, Around the World and in the Country, Look Who..., The Day Starts of the Bulgarian National Television and Koritarov Live of Nova TV and Radio New Europe.
The city through the window of the museum?
Visual activities: examples and precedents
October 2004 - April 2005
The City, cultural heritage and nostalgia. Images of Labor, Images of Consumption
October 2003 - April 2004
Excuse me, which city is this?
Project for the Resident fellows programme II, Visual seminar, October 2003-March 2004
Visual representations of the Balkans
Visual representations of the Balkans and the Balkanness in the contemporary Bulgarian Public Space
Mila Mineva
The Balkans as a Tourist Sight
A Project for the The Resident Fellows Program, Visual Seminar 2003
Resident Fellows
The Resident Fellows Program is the product of a partnership between the ICA-Sofia and CAS-Sofia activities and programs on a more theoretical level. It will be organised by the Centre for Advanced Studies Sofia in accordance with the ICA. Within a given year, CAS hosts four resident fellows from Bulgaria for a period of six months each. They come from the fields of contemporary visual arts, other artistic areas, or academia and are selected by the Experts' Unit of the Visual Seminar based on their submitted applications and the application/selection procedures appropriate in such cases. The resident fellows have a stipend and reside in Sofia for the period of their fellowships while working on a specific artistic or research project related both to the topic of the “Visual Seminar” project and to the other activities of CAS. The finalized projects are presented in public in Sofia and discussed by the Forum of Visual Culture (see Module 1).
The idea of cooperation between academics and artists is based on the familiar experience of the Centers for Advanced Study in Europe and USA. Their established practice involves the artists’ participation in the intellectual community of researchers gathered for other research projects of the Centers for Advanced Study. They engage in, and contribute to, the debates and the heuristic atmosphere of the Centers and develop their own artistic projects based on this experience.
Such fellows would be selected by a special procedure appropriate in such cases.