На основание чл. 26 от ЗЮЛНЦ и чл. 28, ал. 3 от Устава на Сдружението, Управителният съвет на СДРУЖЕНИЕ „ИНСТИТУТ ЗА СЪВРЕМЕННО ИЗКУСТВО“, с ЕИК: 831813928, свиква Общо събрание на Сдружението, което ще се проведе на 27.09.2021 г. (двадесет и седми септември две хиляди двадесет и първа година), от 18.00 часа в град София, в Галерия „ИСИ“, находяща се на адрес: гр. София, п.к. 1504, бул. „Васил Левски“ № 134, при следния
Vector. ICA-Sofia: Motives, Analyses, Critique is an online platform presenting the history, specifics and contemporary state of that part of Bulgarian contemporary art with which the Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia is connected. An interactive multimedia interface combines key texts, videos, publications that contributed to the development of the scene of contemporary art in Bulgaria and its relations on the global art map.
We see this digital platform as a bridge between the past and the present of the visual arts in Bulgaria; between the visibility of the scene in the world and the visibility of the art world here; between audiences and content creators; between different personal positions and the unifying context; between topics and media.
For the 25 years of existence of ICA-Sofia we have realized that there are solid accumulations of content published in and outside Bulgaria, built with the hope that the scene image gets improvement. It is time for this scattered content and reflection, which in principle (and not only as specific names) connects "here and there", some audiences with other producers and products, to "return" and start functioning in an intertextual narrative, with all its multi-layered themes, keywords, media, synchronous intuitions, chronological sequences and anachronistic connections.
The project is realised with the financial support of the National Fund Culture, Critique Programme 2020. It follows Dublin Core archival standard, the software powering it is Joomla! and the Graph at the homepage is powered by GraphXR. The conception and software development are provided by Krassimir Terziev. The editing of the archive units is by Natalie Dobreva and Diana Popova.
Rights Statement
This material is provided solely for the purpose of individual research. All rights on the content are reserved by the appropriate authors and ICA-Sofia. The terms specified hereunder:
• Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
• NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
For each use, credits should be given as stated in the record (e.g. the authors, artists, photographers, designers or any other rights holders, the Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia).
For any rights requests outside of personal research purposes, please contact us via
The website of the Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia functions in line with WWW3 standards to respond to user demands and expectations. In this context, the aim is to develop content with editorial and user contributions, and to render information accessible in digital formats.
Documents from the last decades have been digitized and formatted according to the platform standards.
Web-resolution images of digital documents can be accessed by users. Rights statement on the use of high-resolution images for publication and similar purposes can be found upon request.
No part of the content, be it images, texts or any other media can be reproduced without permission of ICA-Sofia and all related copyright owners.
To obtain permissions, please write us at
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BAZA 2021
Shooting Ghosts. Online screening programme in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Sofia
Artists: Veneta Androva, Neno Belchev, Mitch Brezounek, Marina Genova, Nadezhda Oleg-Lyahova, Kalin Serapionov, Dimitar Shopov, Kamen Stoyanov, Samuil Stoyanov, Krassimir Terziev.
Curators: Kalin Serapionov, Krassimir Terziev.
What we propose in this programme is a highly subjective and fragmented view on current practices in moving image in the Bulgarian art scene. We focused on practices that show affinity with speculative narratives - narratives that not just record what is in front of the cinematic eye, but also capture all the ghosts that are unreachable by the apparatus, thus projecting speculative views that intend not merely to describe, but to transform the world.
Visual Seminar / Guest Program
Video documentation of the Guest program, part of the Visual Seminar project (2003-2006).
Visual Seminar / Resident Fellows Program
Video documentation of the Resident Fellows Programme, part of the Visual Seminar project (2003-2006).
The Resident Fellows Program is the product of a partnership between the ICA-Sofia and CAS-Sofia activities and programs on a more theoretical level. It will be organised by the Centre for Advanced Studies Sofia in accordance with the ICA. Within a given year, CAS hosts four resident fellows from Bulgaria for a period of six months each. They come from the fields of contemporary visual arts, other artistic areas, or academia and are selected by the Experts' Unit of the Visual Seminar based on their submitted applications and the application/selection procedures appropriate in such cases. The resident fellows have a stipend and reside in Sofia for the period of their fellowships while working on a specific artistic or research project related both to the topic of the “Visual Seminar” project and to the other activities of CAS. The finalized projects are presented in public in Sofia and discussed by the Forum of Visual Culture (see Module 1).
The idea of cooperation between academics and artists is based on the familiar experience of the Centers for Advanced Study in Europe and USA. Their established practice involves the artists’ participation in the intellectual community of researchers gathered for other research projects of the Centers for Advanced Study. They engage in, and contribute to, the debates and the heuristic atmosphere of the Centers and develop their own artistic projects based on this experience.
Visual Seminar / Forum of Visual Culture
Video documentation of the events that took part in the frames of the Forum of Visual Culture, part of the Visual Seminar Project, (2003-2006).